These were developed in 1934 from White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Australorps and Brown Leghorns. Suddenly a few articles and they started to rebound and are now offered from a number of hatcheries. They have a single comb with five or more points. They have a very old history. The face is smooth and the earlobes are small while the wattles are medium sized. Males are typical Black Breasted Red pattern. Females tend to have reddish neck. The genetics in their background has never produced a pure white egg. It is quite a vigorous breed and an excellent forager, therefore needing plenty of space. Pekins can look rather pale and anemic if not allowed on grass to forage. This breed started it all. Chicks $6.00 each (maximum of 25 per hatch) SOLD OUT FOR 2023, Black Java- Medium sized black fowl, excellent layers of pale brown eggs. Chicks $5.00 each ( maximum of 10 per hatch), If you order more than one of these assortments, we can not guarantee they will be shipped on the same day. Chicks $7.00 (maximum of 5 per hatch)SOLD OUT FOR 2023, White Rock- On a visit in 2016 to central Iowa to our friend Larry Halls I noticed his two flocks of White Rocks. Good setters and mothers. This breed started it all. You also agree to take the chicks anytime. Knowing Icelands moderate maritime climate and that this breed had developed there for over a thousand years, I was fearful they would not handle the extremes of Iowa weather very well. Chicks $10.00 each (Maximum of 5 per hatch), Golden Kraienkoppe- Golden version of this foraging breed. Rare in this country. Chicks $8.00 each (maximum of 5 per hatch), Lavender Cuckoo Ameraucana- We were excited to obtain these from Dennis Heltzel. I was first pleasantly surprised in the Winter when they handled -25 deg. We were forced to raise prices as feed went up over 25% in 2022, postage went up about 20%, our chick boxes about 20% and electricity to run the incubators about 15%. A group of breeds classified together based upon their European origins. (See Glossary on Poultry Page for Blue Genetics explanation).We have maintained this breed since 1986. There are active. We have selected for production first, show type second. they are not the hardiest of breeds and when not raised with other large fowl. I frequently refer to the 1980's and early 1990's as the Dark Age when there was near zero interest in true breeding poultry as the public had been bitten with the fast growing white broiler and sex-link layer craze. We have maintained this breed since 2000. This is one of the early breeds we gathered up as breeds were rapidly disappearing and have maintained for sometime. I have 1 scots dumpy rooster and 4 rhode island red hens and i think that scots dumpys are great garden birds.They are friendly but can be a bit shy.They do well in a mixed flock and so are perfectly suited to the family enviroment! Chicks $6.00 each ( Maximum of 10 per hatch), Exchequer Leghorn - Beautiful mottled pattern distinctive from Ancona in the large amounts of white. This is a group that doesnt fit into any other APA category and, unless otherwise noted, are not listed in the APA Standard at this time. We have maintained this breed since 2006. Over the years, Ive attempted to select for large-sized eggs. In all varieties, the eyes are red and the comb, face, wattles and earlobes are all bright red. Our assortments are nothing like anywhere else as you are more than likely to get more rare breeds than common ones. UPDATED FOR SOLD OUT ITEMS ON MARCH 26,2023. Rose Comb Brown Leghorn- The only rose comb leghorn that we maintain. It is a good all round layer of whitish eggs. They are a unique and fascinating breed but unfortunately the gene pool in the US is very limited and they are in dire need of new genetic inflow. The number of birds you get will vary depending upon what you get. Whatever you get will be a surprise!! Dumpy, They lay a very pale brown egg. (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Silver Penciled Hamburg - Very old Dutch breed that was admitted to the APA Standard in 1874. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. Crested fowl are mentioned in historical writings from the 1500s. Chicks $8.00 each ( Maximum 10 per hatch), 2019by Sand Hill Preservation Center Proudly created with. Stromberg Chickens - Based in Hackensack, Minnesota, Stromberg sells everything from day-old chicks to all the accessories and poultry-related kit you'd need to run your own hatchery. Shop Ornamental Chickens Stromberg's Perfect Flock | Live Poultry, Eggs, and Supplies - Shipping In 24-48 Hours! They lay a dark brown egg. Females can be basically white except for head and neck. This article is wrong when it says there is no set colour for Scots Dumpy's. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. F with ease. We have maintained this breed since 2000. Color pattern of chicks and adults is similar to Brown Leghorns. Chicks $7.00 each (Maximum of 15 per hatch), Bresse -an excellent all around chicken. Ron Nelson, shared some nice birds with us way back in 2000 when their numbers were most likely less than 50 in the entire US. Females have fewer orange-red feathers. They forage well. I ordered the vaccine to help slow the spread but was frantic as over 90% of my Sussex perished. Lay a nice brown egg. The first 3 that I had would follow me everywhere and jump up on my lap if I sat down on a bucket in the barn. It is a very ancient native breed of Scotland. We have maintained this breed since 1997. They are superb layers of small to medium sized off-white eggs. Skip to Main Content. Good sumer layers and hens make great pets for children. Eggs tend to run on the small side. yet another one of the white egg laying breeds in serious danger of depletion. They have a nice, true rose comb. We have maintained this breed since 1996. Ancona- Nicely spotted white on black. Late winter of 2020 confirmed what I had noticed had been happening with tolerance to cold. This results from using various colors of Dorkings being crossed with the Speckled Sussex. Our strain tends to have less crown to the comb but lay a very dark brown egg. We carry all the colors. A large group of breeds that all originated in the Mediterranean region of the world. We have maintained this breed since 1992. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. We have maintained this breed since 2011 . Egg size is respectable and the eggs are tinted in color. Colorful breed where the hens are an off-shade of brown with penciling. Adult birds grow to a nice, large size. Easytohandleand very calm. We have maintained this breed since 1998 until May 2020. Featured Image Credit: HollyHarry, Shutterstock This assortment is not necessarily available at every hatch. They are a unique land race type from the Basque area of Spain. This breed is not as yet listed in the APA Standard. Their behavior is very calm compared to their Penedescenca relatives. Photo is from Craig Johnson who obtained stock from us and continues to work and improve on them.Chicks $8.00 each (Maximum of 5 per hatch), Bielfelder- I first saw a picture of these many years ago and had them on my wish list for sometime. Scots Dumpy's They are white and seem to have a larger breast area than most breeds. Please remember these grow very slowly. They are superb foragers with a most pleasant temperament. Similar breeds can be traced back to AD900 and it is said that the Picts used to carry them into their battle camps where they used to warn of approaching strangers. yet another one of the white egg laying breeds in serious danger of depletion. This assortment is all full sized chickens - - - no bantams. We have maintained this breed since 2010. Chicks $7.00 each ( maximum of 15 per hatch), Partridge Barnevelder - A color variant found at one time in Europe. A land race means that they are not all uniform in color or body type. A dark egg laying breed of Dutch origin. They have four toes and very short legs. While the birds usually recover from this, it leaves them less beautiful looking and usually means chick supply is limited early in the season while the birds are recovering from the frostbite. White eggs. White eggs, vigorous foragers. We only recommend this to someone who doesnt care about breeds or breeding, but is either just wanting something for eggs or meat. Black Crested Blue Polish - A selection that is solid blue with a darker blue/black crest. Developed near Decorah, Iowa in the early 1900s. We have maintained this breed since 2013. They like to go broody which makes chicks scarce at times. They lay fewer eggs during the winter. Chicks $7.00 each (maximum of 15 per hatch). Only order this breed if you have the patience to watch them develop. Chicks $6.00 each ( Maximum of 15per hatch), Dark Brown Leghorn - A very nice sized colored and sized leghorn. Chicks $6.00 each ( maximum 15 per hatch), ASSORTED GIANTS:This assortment may be made up from any of the 3 Giants varieties. They have a massive bone structure that they put on first before body mass. We have maintained this breed since 1990 . A true Delaware should not be a light weight, flighty bird. We have maintained this breed since 2019. They rarely go broody (article is incorrect again). They lay well year around. We have maintained this breed since 2011.UNAVAILABLE IN 2023, Colored Dorking - Slightly variable in color. Be warned, not all breeds are easy to find. They tend to lay the best in Spring and Summer. They lay a brown egg are nice sized and are a beautiful white color with black specks. One of the things that pushed us to redo and rebuild all of our poultry facilities as fast as we could. They all lay white eggs. Males tend to be a bit sexually active while hens are mellow much like Welsummer hens. I called Craig Russell, a long time poultry expert, and he said no worry Dorkings show resistance. Araucanas are rumpless and have ear tufts (tufts of feathers that grow from the ear). Birds are very thrifty and grow fast. Chicks $7.00 each ( Maximum of 5 per hatch), Black Breasted Red Shamo- We have maintained this breed since 1992. They forage well.We have maintained this breed since 2000. Color variations occur within this variety. Flame Jaerhon- The genetics of the Norwegian Jaerhon produces some off-types. There is still some variability with these but they are colorful and good layers.Please expect some color variations and degrees of the mille fleur color pattern as well as some of the eggs will be tinted. You will see a diversity in comb type as well. Chicks $8.00 each ( Maximum of 10 per hatch), Genetic Hackle- interesting very long hackle feathers of the barred color, calm temperament.Not very fast growing. Males are a silver-gray with slight barring. When we obtained this breed there were no other documented breeders left and they were headed straight for extinction. We have maintained this breed since 1993. They have a small walnut comb and are fairly small sized, but lay extremely well an off white egg and for the most part have a nice temperament. I knew that once I got done with college and got settled I was going to get some. There are active and good sized. Their history is very old. Chicks $6.00 each (maximum of 10 per hatch), Rose Comb Rhode Island Red - Deep red in color with rich yellow legs. We continue to work on breeding for productivity, vigor and ability to forage. (See Glossary on Poultry Page for Blue Genetics explanation) We have maintained this breed since 2005 . A very rare breed that lays colorful eggs and are difficult to breed. We have maintained this breed since 2000. Common at one time, now very difficult to find. Chicks $6.00 each ( Maximum of 20 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 16, Buff Brahma-Largebuff colored gentilebirds. Striking appearance, originating in Belgium. These originated in Ohio in the early 1900s. They lay a dark brown egg. Crevecoeur This breed originates In France. As a young child I dreamed of the day I could obtain some. They lay a nice blue egg, really closer to blue with my vision than any Ameraucana. See Black Breasted Red Kraienkoppe for breed history. We have maintained this breed since 2011. I quickly called the state poultry person and he guided me through the process of figuring it out. Vigorous and thrifty. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. As an added bonus the crosses showed a greater tolerance to Coccidiosis flare ups, something the Sussex handled better than Dorkings. I got to meet Thane in 1984 (my first summer in Iowa) at the Seed Savers Exchange summer gathering. Egyptian Fayoumi- Truly a unique breed as they mature very quickly. Chicks $10.00 each (Maximum of 5 per hatch), Speckled Sussex- White spots on a chestnut brown background. Most of these breeds originated on the continent of Asia. Occasionally grey legged birds show up. They have various comb types but small, single combs are the most common. For many years no one saw the value they had then the world woke up and thankfully we had maintained them for sometime and they were still around to be appreciated. Baby chicks for sale each week. One hen raised 3 batches of chicks this past summer never confined and never fed regular feed. They have a single comb with five points. The first breed we had on the farm and a band of raccoons in June 2020 almost wiped them out. They all have a v-shaped comb. They have yellow skin and a single comb with five points. The Sebright is famous for the quality of the lacing in its feathers. Chicks $8.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Empordanesa- White Minorca-like chicken with a unique single comb that has almost a crown at the back side. Birds mentioned are the ones in the pictures, cockbird is proven. You may receive anything from the most common to the rarest, depending upon what is left after specific breed orders have been filled. I quickly called the state poultry person and he guided me through the process of figuring it out. Egg size is typical of all Sussex and not very large. Chicks $8.00 each (maximum 5 per hatch). The majority do lay a very nice dark egg and are relatively calm and easy to be around. Eggs tend to run on the small side. They are a unique, stocky bird. Mild mannered and easy to handle they do lay nice shaped and sized eggs. We have had these lay well in cold spells in the winter and hot spells in the summer. We have worked and multiplied crossing the strains and have a very productive bird that is very hardy and withstands a lot of stresses. Chicks $6.00 each ( maximum of 20 per hatch), Rhode Island Red- Deep red in color with rich yellow legs. All members of this APA classification group were developed in Great Britain and have the characteristic white skin and usually white legs with a pinkish streak. They cannot be delivered by the seller or by Omlet. When the breed almost died out, some breeders introduced Dorking which is where the other colours come from, so any Scots Dumpy's in any other colours than black or cuckoo are not pure bred and should not be used in breeding. We cannot maintain things in isolation and germ free environments and be sustainable in the future. The beak is curved, the eyes are large and bright and they have a medium single comb which is upright and serrated. They lay a nice sized, tinted egg. The males are a cuckoo pattern with brilliant flame orange-red hackles, neck and wing patches. This results from using various colors of Dorkings being crossed with the Speckled Sussex. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. This breed has not yet been admitted to the APA Standard.We have maintained this breed since 2001. This breed is a somewhat seasonal layer of pale brown eggs. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. Chicks $6.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 30. You will receive a named list of the contents of the shipment. When not broody, we get lots of chicks and then all of a sudden they go broody and we get nothing. Rare in this country. If you want a nice short legged thrifty little bird and dont care that they have yellow legs, these are a perfect match. This assortment can have anything from our projects (including also the occasional mis-marked egg or oddity). While we will continue to maintain this breed, we are not sure when we will be offering them for sale again. We have maintained this breed since 1995. Chicks $6.00each (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Partridge Brahma- I first sa these at the Eastern Iowa Poultry Show back in the late 1980's. You also agree to take the chicks anytimeduring ourregularseason of April through August. We have maintained this breed since 2000. I quickly gathered them up and isolated them but a few days later I came home to wheelbarrows of dead birds and a few gasping birds. Egg size is typical of all Sussex and not very large. Common things to select for are yellow feet and legs and a single comb. Large combs of male make winter hardiness a challenge. Many of them laid eggs for most of the year and the eggs are second to none, I've never tasted better eggs than Dumpies. They have a small pea comb. It seemed like the more we perfected the true Dumpies the worse they became but these yellow legged types show high degree of vigor and lay well. Hens tend to have less white earlobes and not always the best combs. They all possess a fifth toe. Please take the time to go to the main poultry page and read about our ordering requirements and other important information such as we never sell hatching eggs. Chicks $4.00 each ( maximum of 25 per hatch), Barred Holland- A barred medium sized breed, not as big as Barred Rocks, good layers of a white or tinted egg. Chicks $8.00 each ( maximum of 10 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH JUNE 27, Silver Grey Dorking - hens are a soft grey with salmon chests, males have silver hackle feathers. Eggs tend to be various shades of brown. We have maintained this breed since 1997. These are rather mild mannered for a Leghorn. We are continuing to work on developing larger flocks. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. They all share some similar traits. Large bodied, low to the ground build. Finally we were able to get a different bloodline for males and had an excellent year for them . This breed is another example of where we need to wake up before it is too late. Our males tend to have more yellow legs. They can be raised for meat, eggs, and/or showing, which makes them extremely versatile. The final straw that pushed me to redoingall my poultry buildings when a raccoon worked a weak space in the metal and devoured them. Chicks $8.00 each (maximum of 5 per hatch), Black Ameraucana- We were fortunate to obtain two different blood lines from show quality stock. Eggs tend to be various shades of brown. We have maintained this breed since 2019. Then on that horrible July day with a heat index of 133 deg. Largest of the Mediterraneans. The Pekin is a very gentle bird. An order for 25 chicks will usually include 4 or 5 different breeds. They lay a dark brown egg. The Brakel was developed for egg production and lays approximately 200 white eggs per year. Now much more common in Latin America, but very rare in the USA. Males and females are golden penciled and attractive. A general purpose fowl for eggs and meat. Sale; Catalog; Contact; Store; View our facebook; View our instagram; View our youtube; View our twitter; We Are Available to Help. We have maintained this breed since 2013 . Chicks $8.00 each. These are not exhibition stock, but are very good sized and make a hardy dual purpose fowl. How to use this code: This link cantains your affiliate code and can be placed anywhere a normal tag could be placed. Cuckoo Scots Dumpy - We are most concerned that more flocks of this breed get established. Colorful breed where the hens are an off-shade of brown with penciling. This is another breed that had near zero interest in the "Dark Age" of poultry. Chicks $5.00 each (Maximum of 25 per hatch), White Leghorn- A single comb version that is composite of 2 strains a superb show strain and a regular commercial line to produce a very active foraging bird of good size and layer of nice sized white eggs. Chicks $6.00 each. Whilethese are basically a cuckoo pattern they are a nice calm breed. They are truly beautiful and have a single comb with five points. In 1990 shortly after I started this operation and was gathering up rare breeds as well as breeds I was fond of, I had a disaster. Birds are a soft lavender color, background and calm and relaxed in nature. Admitted to the APA Standard in 1905. These are not as large as the blacks. Chicks $6.00 each ( Maximum of 5 per hatch)SOLD OUT 2023, SilverLeghorn- I had long marveled at the color of these when I judged fairs and was always saddened at how small they were and then one year I found an exhibitor with a magnificent pen of large birds. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard. Interestingly enough it showed true and the crosses handled things well. Chicks $7.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch), Partridge Chantecler- Still working on improvement of comb type. Males are somewhat tri-toned with red, brown and black. It has been an interesting study in genetics. I have never seen a mean rooster. We were, a source of very nice birds and we are able to offer them again. They lay a nice blue egg, really closer to blue with my vision than any Ameraucana. These are a good sized and make a hardy dual purpose fowl. These are rather mild mannered for a Leghorn. The chicks grow well and mature quickly. They should also be kept off wet grass as they chill easily. We have maintained this breed since 1990 Chicks $5.00 each (Maximum of 15 per hatch), Crele Orpington- large blocky Orpington build, colorful and calm . A broad grouping of birds that tended to have been developed (or selected for) in the Orient. Wonderful Dumpys! An order for 25 chicks will usually include 4 or 5 different breeds. The roosters lets just say were a bit aggressive. Chicks $5.00 each (maximum of 15 per hatch)SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 2, ASSORTED SCANDINAVIAN:This assortment may be made up from any of the Scandinavian varieties. Chicks $7.00 each ( maximum of 10 per hatch), Rose Comb Red Dorking - Rose comb version of Red Dorking. Chicks $6.00 each (Maximum of 15 per hatch). We have maintained this breed since 1995. Chicks $5.00 (Maximumof 10 per hatch). Some variability in color exists. There are no guarantees that you will get a mixture of all the different types of poultry. Originally, they were left to fend for . Chicks $8.00 each (Maximum of 10 per hatch)SOLD OUT FOR 2023, Creme Brabanter- colorful and good layers of white eggs. Calm andproductivelike the creamcoloredones. We have maintained this breed since 1990. (Maximum 5 per hatch). We have maintained this breed since 1990. Females are neatly penciled. The availability of this is sporadic and would only be available on the weeks when I dont have time to keep any extras for further study. We have maintained this breed since 1995. There are no guarantees on hatch dates as these are filled with whatever is left after all orders for specific breeds and assortments have been filled. Egg color will is a pale blue-green. Chicks $6.00 ( Maximum of 10 per hatch), White Cochin- verylargeand gentile. We have maintained this breed since 2019. We have worked with them for several years to increase vigor and productivity and crossed several lines to get to the point where we have a vigorous bird of decent size. They have a very heavy body and waddle as they walk due to their very short legs. They lay an off-white egg. UNAVAILABLE IN 2023 working on selection. These have not yet been admitted to the APA Standard.We have maintained this breed since 2009. Chicks $8.00 each (Maximum of 5 per hatch), Jubilee Orpington- Large blocky birds that are speckled and resemble a fat Speckled Sussex. When we first got these there were no other known breeding flocks other than the one we obtained. True biology would indicate that is a recipe for disaster to not allow things to grow stronger through the challenges of the real world. Very early American breed. They have a single comb with five points. Once the warmer Spring weather arrives all the members of a particular pen can turn broody within a day or two. They have an unusual comb - - - single in the front with multiple lobes at the rear. Chicks $6.00 each (Maximum of 20per hatch), Golden Lakenvelder - Same as Lakenvelder except a rich gold replaces the white feathers, white eggs. Some slight variations of this due to the genetics involved can be expected. Cuckoo color pattern (grey and white barring). By the mid 1990's I decided to see what would happen if Dorkings and Sussex were crossed would the result show resistance to LT. LT is a real problem in this part of Iowa. We have maintained this breed since 1995. They arrived happy and active, and are now snuggled up under momma hen. We keep birds that are selected from a cross of a large exhibition strain and a high production strain. The broad head with a small comb, rather fierce expression and projecting eyebrows sits on a wide neck and they are shapely, tight feathered birds, tending to be kept for ornamental purposes rather than egg production or meat. (Maximum of 5 per hatch), Golden Spangled Hamburg- Small sized and very active , chicks are the most colorful of any we carry. Long known in France for their table qualities. We have maintained this breed since 1998. Chicks $6.00 each ( Maximum of 5 per hatch), Light Brahma- Large stocky birds with the columbian pattern of black and neck and tail, . 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