there are plenty of public issues right now that i want to ask you about, but i want to defer that for a moment and talk about . So I reflect back on that 10 years ago and Im just proud to have been a small part of it. ), "The President was at all times presidential," he says. The family including his two older sisters moved to Texas while William was in elementary school and settled in San Antonio. He never had his hands raised. Admiral McRaven: ( 00:00) Thank you very much, thank you. NPR's Steve Inskeep talks to retired Adm. William McRaven, who may be best-known as the Navy SEAL commander who oversaw the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden, about his new memoir. "There is nobody in the U.S. government that thinks we can kill our way to victory, certainly not the special-operations guys," he says, "but what happens is, by capturing and killing some of these high-value targets, we buy space and time for the rest of the government to work.". Today on the show, Admiral McRaven and I discuss why something as simple as making your bed every day can lay the foundation for success in every aspect of your life, how a parachuting accident taught him an important lesson on avoiding self-pity and learning to rely on the help of others, and why rolling in the sand as a . On September 11th, 2001, you were still recuperating from your injuries when you watched the terrorist attacks on this country play out on a television screen in your living room. Eric Thor Olson (born January 24, 1952) is a retired United States Navy admiral who last served as the eighth Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) from July 2, 2007 to August 8, 2011. But here's what I'll tell you. So in relative terms, I'm moving at about 120 miles an hour towards the ground, and he is, in relative terms, stopped as he pulled his parachute. Suffice to say, I'm not sure whatever happened to that paperwork, but I continued on in the service, and some things are better left unasked. McRaven: The SEALs entering the room did absolutely the right thing and shot him, not knowing whether or not he was wearing a suicide vest. But that was still many hours after the mission was concluded. Firing Line with Margaret Hoover is made possible in part by and by Corporate funding is provided by ),,28804,2101745_2102133_2102330,00.html. And so the president asked me, he says, Well, Bill, do you know whether or not its bin Laden? I said, Sir, I dont. So while I didnt know at a young age that I wanted to follow in my fathers footsteps, I dont think it took me long before I realized that this was the path that was the right fit for me. HOOVER: Take a look at President Obamas speech to the nation the night of May 1st, 2011. By the time U.S. intelligence pinpointed its quarry, McRaven was a three-star admiral atop the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), the U.S. military's clandestine strike force. McRaven's special operators, meanwhile, are flying high. McRaven oversaw the 2011 Navy SEAL raid in Pakistan that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. I said, good, come here and. He kept tabs on the SEALs who had gone to war without him. Or, I have to be careful, Im not sure From the time the mission started I think maybe its 15 minutes when I got the call from the ground force commander, for God and country, Geronimo, Geronimo, Geronimo. And Geronimo was the code word for bin Laden. Good to be with you. And that was pretty evident. STEVE INSKEEP, BYLINE: If I don't mistake this, your boss, Admiral Eric Olson, kind of bypassed a form that would say whether you were physically fit or not. and a grotesque 2001 skydiving mishap that separated his pelvic muscles from the bone. So there was always concern about the Pakistanis engaging. Its quite striking because you write that the command center breaks into cheers, but you, quote, had no sense of relief, no internal exhilaration, no feeling of victory. McRaven says it is just one part of a broader offensive against America's foes. US Navy Admiral William H. McRaven speaking at UT Austin's 2014 commencement. But before all that, he had to recover from a terrible accident. But I knew immediately the guys were okay. We noted early on that you managed to get through a severe injury because of a commanding officer who maybe bent the rules a little bit, although you never confirmed that. MCRAVEN: Well, you know, there are people who I meet every day who have no idea I ever spent a day in uniform. "I want to confirm we have a call of 'Geronimo EKIA,' " he said evenly. Jocko Willink. The conversation was . I don't know whether I've been knocked unconscious. But it wasnt the first time Id had a, quote, premonition. n your account of the rescue. 00:23:10 He knew I'd been in a parachute accident. From there he began an extraordinary rise, moving rapidly through command and operational roles. He also survived being ripped in half by a parachute. SEAL training was a great equalizer. When I went to visit guys in the hospital, they always said, I want to get back in the fight. 3 commander twice a year. Why is that, Admiral? While the rest of the Pentagon is scaling back spending, special-operations forces are asking for more. "Look how much of their leadership we've taken apart and how long it's taken, and the movement is still not dead," says Wade Ishimoto, a former Delta Force intelligence officer. So for 30 days, I came in every day to check on him and then would leave the small room without engaging him. So anybody that claims that theyve got a helmet cam video, nobody was wearing helmet cams. "I kind of tumble through the parachute. And then two days later, when I was back in Washington briefing the Congress, I get a call to come over to the White House. Four-star Admiral William McRaven shares stories of heroism from his service to America. Yeah, well, he knew that I was in charge. Sometimes you need a boatload of people to help you through. Admiral William McRaven is a retired U.S. Navy four-star Admiral. . I had a moment of relief, you bet. I didnt want to because I didnt want him to think that he was somehow important enough to be able to engage El Jefe, as he called me. Take us inside that closet as you watched your SEALS enter Pakistan and clear the compound floor by floor. And then as we start to get into the December timeframe, we had another lead. You wrote, quote, as long as I could wiggle my toes, I was going to stay a SEAL. You share the story of Moki Martin, the Vietnam era SEAL, who was partially paralyzed from a head-on bike accident. And, of course, that generation, you know, they were children of the Great Depression. He said, well sir Im six two. On May 17, 2014, Admiral William H. McRaven addressed the graduating class of the University of Texas at Austin on their Commencement day. Along the way, McRaven sketches the qualities required to pull off something very much like the bin Laden raid, 18 years in advance: "a simple plan, carefully concealed, realistically rehearsed and executed with surprise, speed and purpose." I couldnt see what was going on inside the building. And the reason that I am so impressed with this generation, because the 9/11 generation, these young men and women that signed up after September 11th, that raised their hand and said, Im going to join the military, knew that they were taking on the risks, knew that they would probably go to war. may not know about the raid on Osama bin Ladens compound or the rescue of Captain Phillips. The lead, in fact, had led them to Saddam. The good news is, as I fell a couple hundred feet or a thousand feet or so, the parachute finally opened. Well, thank you president Powers, Provost Fenves, deans, members of the faculty, family and friends, and most importantly, the class of 2014, it is indeed an honor for me to be here tonight. You will feel a sense of pride, and that same pride will greet you at . McRaven made headlines in August when he wrote an op-ed condemning President Trump saying, "Revoke my security clearance, too." Now Fox News is reporting that last month, just a few days after penning the op-ed, McRaven left a prominent post with the DIB over the incident.. On the downside, "relative superiority" does not last long. On that mission, they were representing a tribe that had trained and bled and hungered for 31 years to redeem itself as sensationally as it had failed in its public debut. The good news is, as I fell a couple hundred feet or a thousand feet or so, the parachute finally opened. Retired Adm. William McRaven is a lot of things. He bought them. The zeal and the desire to serve is not present to the extent that it was several years ago. Judge plans to appoint Special Master to Dominion, Fox News . And Ive seen it in this current generation, the millennials and the Gen Z. HOOVER: In 2003, you were the commander of Task Force 714 in Iraq. Leon Panetta, who joined the video call from CIA headquarters, told TIME's Massimo Calabresi that "all the air we were holding came out." No, I dont think that contributed to his decline. MCRAVEN: You know, nobody goes through life and is successful all on their own. Shortly after jumping out, McCraven says something was clearly wrong. And of course, it started in SEAL training. And I took the opportunity to call up my boys and say, you know, my daughter was with us and explained it to her as well, that her life was about to change for dad. Do you mind recounting it? It absolutely was not. I got on the plane with my aide, Captain Hank Henry. "Well, he pulls his parachute, and I collide with his parachute little bit like getting hit by an air bag. In 2001, he became a counterrorism advisor for the National Security Council and soon was fighting al-Qaeda in Iraq. I mean, it showed that we as Americans can do the hard things and do them well. . The accident happened while he was participating in a Naval Special Warfare exercise involving a 1,000-foot free-fall jump. What I would offer is I think when he finally realized that he no longer had his palaces, he no longer had his generals, he no longer had his handmaidens, he went from being pompous and arrogant to frankly, just being, you know, a tired, corrupt old man. You wrote in your book. What were you feeling in those moments? Now available in bookstores everywhere, or go to to order your copy today. The fact of the matter is, the law of armed conflict and the rules of engagement were pretty clear. hour.s about an mr. axelrod: admiral, great to see you again. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. Is that right? It is a small task, but I think an important one. And, oh by the way, the guys are still in the compound. Once there was a President who called for building up the Green Berets in the same speech, in 1961, that called for landing a man on the moon. The general theme of his speech is that anyone can change the world; all you need is the courage to do it. Olson was the first Navy SEAL ever to be appointed to three-star and four-star flag rank, as well . HOOVER: The story of identifying the body is such a memorable one. Did we inadvertently kill people we shouldnt have killed? And so on Jan. 29, it was McRaven who began to plan "finish options" for bin Laden alongside his counterparts in a seventh-floor CIA conference room. While nothing is definitive, "all indications are pointing to the fact" that Israel was behind a cyberattack that knocked out power at Iran's Natanz uranium enrichment facility over the weekend, retired U.S. Navy Adm. William McRaven said Monday, and he finds the allegations "a little disturbing" given that the U.S. and other countries are currently trying to renegotiate the 2015 Iran nuclear . They just know me as the make your bed guy. You said, quote, As a commander, you would like to be in ultimate control of all of the decisions, but the reality is you cant be. Admiral William McRaven, now retired, thought commanding the operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaida, would be the crowning achievement of his 37 years as a Navy SEAL."I . I had been talking to the leader of the Army Task Force. McRaven: He went from being pompous and arrogant to frankly, just being, you know, a tired, corrupt old man. Tell us about that. William McRaven: The Admiral. They were children of World War One. s parents, as guardians, as teachers, as mentors, as coaches, encouraging the youth of America to develop healthy, happy, good routines is important for the future of this country. Then, I thought, well, you know, thats probably not very distinguished for the three star admiral to be lying down next to the body. And so I proudly have the opportunity to display that tape measure at the Special Operations Command. You were hit by a fellow divers canopy. I mean, we flew the 162 miles really without incident. I couldnt see what was going on inside the building. And he raised his hands, and he says, you know, I'm Saddam Hussein, the president of Iraq, and I'm here to negotiate. William McRaven delivered MIT's 2020 Commencement address. He has unique facial characteristics. There are costs. MCRAVEN: In Iraq and Afghanistan, of course, you saw these horrific injuries. William H. McRaven. Having said that, I knew bin Laden was about six foot four And I thought, well Im six foot two. And Maybe the World . Later, William McRaven shares his story of a horrible parachute accident, which leaves him hospitalized for . But occupied France and John F. Kennedy are not what usually come to mind when special operators look for a reference point. McRaven recovered and rose up the ranks. Based on a Navy SEAL's inspiring graduation speech, this #1 New York Times bestseller of powerful life lessons "should be read by every leader in America" (Wall Street Journal). Admiral McRaven has since retired from the military and is now the chancellor of University of Texas. Just like that, it was over. William H. McRaven. ET. MCRAVEN: So by the time the helicopters had passed back over the border, now Im on the video with President Obama and his team. If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. McRaven: I was just honored to be part of the operation. Thornton is a former Navy SEAL that was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during a mission in the Vietnam War. In fact, we had a plan with what we were going to do with bin Laden if we captured him. Retired Adm. William McRaven earned fame for leading US special-operations forces on some of their most well-known missions. And now I'm tumbling out of control towards the ground.". It was scuba diving that captured young Bill McRaven's imagination. Why is that, Admiral? Admiral William H. McRaven is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Make Your Bed and the New York Times bestsellers Sea Stories: My Life in Special Operations and The Hero Code: Lessons Learned from Lives Well Lived. "Everybody will try to fix all evils with a success, but that only lasts until you screw something up," Cartwright says. With otherwise outstanding efficiency reports, however, McRaven won a chance at platoon command in SEAL Team 4. Making your bed as easy to do. If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. The Navy admiral was celebrated for the success of his plan, and was the runner-up for Time's Person of the Year for the operation. You know, youve got to play four quarters of the game. (See pictures of the history of special ops.). "He walked again, which was amazing," sister Nan recalls. McRaven had to watch the American response on television as he recovered. "People like McRaven know that.". MCRAVEN: No, I dont think that contributed to his decline. He never had his hands raised. But, you know, I think leaders know how to recognize other leaders. "I said to him, 'You can grow up to be 007.' How have you seen this generation rise to the occasion in a way thats perhaps different than General Westmorelands observations? Published Dec. 27, 2021 Updated Dec. 31, 2021. INSKEEP: You tell story after story after story in this book. And eventually, of course, the SEALs execute a mission that all of these guys, in terms of the tactics of it, had done hundreds of times before. Distance?. Read the full transcript of McRaven's May 19, 2014 speech right here at The master's thesis, which weighs in at 612 pages, proposes a theory of "relative superiority" to explain how a small offensive force can defeat a larger, well-fortified defense, which Clausewitz described as holding a decisive advantage. But I knew immediately the guys were okay. The bad news is, when a parachute opens, it blossoms. HOOVER: You know, there are people out there, Admiral, who may not know about the raid on Osama bin Ladens compound or the rescue of Captain Phillips. And, of course, that generation, you know, they were children of the Great Depression. When the lead helicopter lost its lift and crash-landed in an animal pen, one participant in the video call said he thought he might vomit. TOM HANKS: Four skiffs carrying armed men. Yeah, I would say its a little surreal, but, you know, I go back to that whole operation and Ive offered to the American people, regardless of what side of the political aisle you might be on, you know, you would have been proud of the national security team the president, the vice president, secretary of state, secretary of defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, director of national intelligence director of the CIA all of these men and women that came together to do what was right by the nation. It was July 18, 2001, midway through that quiet summer before the whole world learned Osama bin Laden's name. HOOVER: Duty is among the virtues that you write about in the hero code. So upon reaching the third floor, the raids second SEAL, Senior Chief Petty Officer Rob ONeill, came face to face with a, quote, tall, thin man. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Retired Navy Admiral and former U.S. special operations chief William McRaven has no regrets about criticizing President Donald Trump, though he said on Wednesday . An experienced skydiver and another man died in an accident in Australia over the weekend after falling out of a plane. Can you reflect on that moment and what it was like for you, what you took in at that moment? To be a good leader, you have to be a good communicator. I mean, who in the world is going to join the military for relatively low pay, to put your life at risk, et cetera, et cetera? I said, hey, son, how tall are you? And you write that you, quote, had an obligation, both morally and legally to keep him safe. And every day when I would come in, he would try to engage me. Back then, he was worried about whether or not the youth would stand up and join the military. I had to fly from Baghdad down to Al Udeid. As you point out. You wrote, quote, as long as I could wiggle my toes, I was going to stay a SEAL. You share the story of Moki Martin, the Vietnam era SEAL, who was partially paralyzed from a head-on bike accident. What I would offer is I think when he finally realized that he no longer had his palaces, he no longer had his generals, he no longer had his handmaidens, he went from being pompous and arrogant to frankly, just being, you know, a tired, corrupt old man. Cartwright, the Marine general, says, "If every time you knock one off all they do is replace him, how valuable was that, particularly if you could have been watching him? Tell me about that moment and what you heard come through the radio after that. But it wasnt the first time Id had a, quote, premonition. Take a look at this video. Eventually, it will pass, and you will win. So I saw some young SEALs standing nearby. May 29, 2020. Steve Inskeep asked him about a routine parachute jump in San Diego in the year 2001. Based on a Navy SEAL's inspiring graduation speech, this number-one New York Times best seller of powerful life lessons "should be read by every leader in America" (Wall Street Journal).. Theres a lot of things that go on post operation. "So it broke my pelvis several inches apart, you know, ripped muscles out of my stomach and my legs, fractured my back.". McRaven grew up with war stories. And so what we had to do pretty quickly was to make sure he understood that he was a prisoner of the United States and we were going to treat him well. So admittedly that particular operation was a lot sportier, a lot further, a lot more political ramifications, a lot riskier for a lot of reasons, but basically similar to things that we do every night. And a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better. HOOVER: On September 11th, 2001, you were still recuperating from your injuries when you watched the terrorist attacks on this country play out on a television screen in your living room. And so I recognize that shots are being fired. But I also knew at that moment that life was about to change. While encouraging the students to improve the world, . Retired Admiral William McRaven speaks Wednesday January 10, 2018 at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland. William H. McRaven was born in Pinehurst, North Carolina. Im ok with that. HOOVER: Bring us back to this moment, will you, Admiral? And fortunately, you know, the guys found me, took me to the hospital. WILLIAM H MCRAVEN: And all of a sudden, I realize the guy to the left is underneath me. Unfortunately, an SCDF paramedic pronounced a person dead on the scene. What were you seeing? Unsure of his altitude or even where he was, he still had the frame of mind to reach for his ripcord, and pulled it. It was really about the people that were around me, the people that helped me when I stumbled, the people that picked me up and dusted me off and said, you're going to be OK; keep moving. How was it that you came to be inside Iraq, though, on the day that Saddam Hussein was captured? But it was a relatively straightforward mission in terms of the first part of it. I love this sense of kind of duty, honor and country that I saw in this greatest generation. Photo by Robert Daemmrich Photography Inc/Corbis via Getty Images, NOW WATCH: A Navy SEAL commander explains how he learned to never give up, had to watch the American response on television. Ill lie down next to the body just to see whether or not the remains are a little longer. And he pulls. Well, you know, there are people who I meet every day who have no idea I ever spent a day in uniform. If bin Laden had his hands up and he clearly was not a threat which was going to be difficult because you dont know whether or not theyre carrying a suicide vest underneath but if he had come out of that room with his hands up and clearly not a threat, we had an obligation, a legal obligation, a moral obligation to capture him. , McCraven says something was clearly wrong a mission in the year 2001 unfortunately, an SCDF paramedic a! First task of the Army task Force through the radio after that have you this. Honor and country that I was going to stay a SEAL 162 miles really without incident.... Of armed conflict and the rules of engagement were pretty clear the of... Was wearing helmet cams muscles from the bone a reference point love this sense of pride, and write... The Great Depression serve is not present to the leader of the game stay a SEAL whether not... Kept tabs on the SEALs who had gone to war without him ill lie down next the! 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